

June 4, 2024

ENVIRONMENTAL DEGREDATION AND ITSIMPACT ON WATER RESOURCE ....................... Organised by Department of Geology and Physics...........

World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated annually on 5 June and encourages awareness and action for the protection of the environment. It is supported by many non-governmental organizations, businesses, government entities, and represents the primary United Nations outreach day supporting the environment. First held in 1974, it has been a platform for raising awareness on environmental issues as marine pollution, overpopulation, global warming, sustainable development and wildlife crime. World Environment Day is a global platform for public outreach, with participation from over 143 countries annually. Every year, the program has provided a theme and forum for businesses, non-government organizations, communities, politicians, and students leads to advocate environmental causes. The first World Environment Day was held with the theme "Only One Earth".The theme of World Environment Day for the year 2024 is “Land restoration, desertification and Drought resilience”. A workshop on “Environmental Degradation and its Impact on Water Resources” was organized by Dr.Palpu College of Arts and Science on 4th June 2024 at Digital Seminar Hall. The workshop was organized under the aegis of Department of Geology and Physics, supported by the Chairman. The aim of the workshop was to shower awareness to the students about the need for protection of our Environment and the impacts of environmental degradation to the natural resources. The workshop was graced with the presence of the Principal Dr.G.Jayasenan. Dr.Subhash Chandran, Head of the Department, English, Prof.VijayanNair , Assistant professor, English, Dr.Christy, Assistant Professor , Political Science , other teachers and students of all department of Dr.Palpu College has attended the workshop.The programm was started with a silent prayer and Dr.Vimuna Vinod, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, presented the welcome address. Principal Dr.G. Jayasenan, briefly narrated about the importance of the day and aim and objectives of the workshop arranged by the College. It is emphasized that every year we should conduct awareness workshop for the protection of our environment and also described the need and way for the protection of Environment. With a detailed speech about the aim of the workshop, it is also opined by the principal that the Workshop will be highly beneficial to the students for planning of Environmental protection in future.The Workshop was officially inaugurated by Dr.G.Jayasenan, the Principal.Dr.G.Bindu, Superintending Hydrogeologist (retd), Kerala State Groundwater Department and Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, Dr.Palpu College of Arts and Science delivered the presentation “Environmental Degradation and its impacts on water resources”.The presentation comprised of the formulation of Environment Act, Environment impact to human health, Land degradation, reasons for land Desertification, land restoration, causes of Soil degradation and its causes and mitigations, water pollutions, water related diseases, drought resilience and mitigations, and water conservation techniques. Overview of the presentation was very informative to the students. The presentation ended with a message that “The presentation ended with a message that “The time to act is now and our collective efforts can make a difference in safe guarding the planet for the future”. Two Students Kum.Aswani, S4 Geology and Kum. Souparnika, S4 Mass Communication presented speech based on the theme of the World Environment Day.The workshop ended at 3 pm with an interaction session of students and vote of thanks.